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You can now listen to our Fort Worth ham radio SDRs live online. You can freely tune between 24.000 MHz and 1.799 GHz. This system is located in western Tarrant county at around a 40ft [Read More…]
You can now listen to our Fort Worth ham radio SDRs live online. You can freely tune between 24.000 MHz and 1.799 GHz. This system is located in western Tarrant county at around a 40ft [Read More…]
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes What Is CW In Ham Radio? CW, also known as Continuous Wave, is a mode of communication in amateur radio that involves encoding messages through the transmission of on-off tones. CW has a rich history [Read More…]
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes Ham Radio Licensing Levels (USA) In the United States, there are three main types of ham radio licensing levels – technician, general and extra. Technician Class The entry-level license is the Technician license, which allows [Read More…]
Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes Amateur Radio Licensing And Regulations Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, offers a world of opportunity for communication, experimentation, and community engagement. However, before diving into this exciting world, it’s essential to understand the [Read More…]
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